This blog has moved.

With a change of direction in my teaching ministry comes a new blog. With my wife Kathleen, we are now International Teaching Partners. Click over to to find out where we are and what we're doing.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Durham University Graduation

On 30th June 2010 Kathleen and I were both admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Durham University. The ceremony was held in the vastly historical Durham Cathedral on a gorgeous summer morning.


  1. Red ones go faster~ Congratulations

  2. Hi Kathleen & Stuart,
    Best Wishes,amd good luck.
    Red gown,s looks very smart,
    I take it you are on holiday in Europe.
    Best Wishes .
    Regards, love Tony McMullen....

  3. Hi grandma and Grandpa,
    i am looking forward to giving you my web adress to our class blog .we are trying to get people from all over the world to visit.if you could skype us at school would be even better one day!
    love Emily

  4. The eradication of differing opinions is exactly what a religion as destructive as the one you're teaching aspires to.

    1. Dear Bill H., Since you give no information about yourself, I can only assume that you want to be anonymous (i.e., hiding). I would be happy to engage in open and honest debate, but your posts have been intolerant and offensive.

    2. My posts? I left a single comment, in the vein hope that it may help to engage the thinking of any individuals browsing this webpage. I have not been intolerant, and your subjective interpretation of constructive argument as 'offensive' is not my concern.
