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With a change of direction in my teaching ministry comes a new blog. With my wife Kathleen, we are now International Teaching Partners. Click over to to find out where we are and what we're doing.

Friday 15 July 2011

Teaching in Addis Ababa

My blog has been left unattended while I have been concentrating on moving to a new location, preparing courses, trying to learn a new language, and adjusting to a very different culture.
First stage of the EGST building.
The second stage is under construction behind this one.
I have been teaching in Addis Ababa since the end of January. At  ETC (Evangelical Theological College) I have been co-teaching, with my wife Kathleen, the second half of a course on the holy Spirit, angelology and demonology. I may write more on this later. At EGST (Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology) I have been teaching an overview course (for Postgraduate Diploma students) on the New Testament letters, including Revelation. This has been a good experience, though plagued to some extent by issues relating to plagiarism—there are some very good websites which give helpful summaries of biblical material, but are very easy for students to copy and paste. Fortunately, detection is not too difficult because there is often a noticeable difference in the style of English used.
My PGD class on NT letters
It’s the rainy season in Addis Ababa now—we don’t call it “summer” because it’s a bit colder than usual. Many foreigners have gone back home for holidays, but I’m teaching intensive introductory NT Greek—8 weeks, every day. For the students it’s a lot of work, especially for those who are working at jobs at the same time!! and some are struggling. The teaching experience is not made easier by the breakdown of the College photocopier, for which an essential spare part will arrive—who knows when?

Next semester I’ll be teaching Advanced Greek and an overview course on the Gospels and Acts.

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