This blog has moved.

With a change of direction in my teaching ministry comes a new blog. With my wife Kathleen, we are now International Teaching Partners. Click over to to find out where we are and what we're doing.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Reviewing the situation

Back in Tasmania, we enjoyed having our children and grandchildren around us again. Medical tests revealed no further damage to my heart, and I regained my energy. What should our next movements be? We entered into the process of transferring our SIM associate membership from the UK to Australia, but that proved more difficult than we had imagined. After a lengthy period of negotiation, it became clear that the kind of ministry that was opening up for us, that is, short term blocks (a medical precaution) of intensive teaching in theological colleges in various countries, was not the kind of ministry that was easy for SIM to coordinate, and so it seemed good to part company with SIM and begin charting our own path following God's leading. That path has opened up amazingly.
Meanwhile, I taught some introductory Greek for Tabor College in Hobart, and Kathleen began teaching Hebrew to a small class of enthusiastic students in our own home.

Through a surprising series of email communications (God moves in mysterious and wonderful ways) we received many invitations to teach modular courses in a range of colleges overseas. We believe that God has called us to share our education, our gifts and our experience in proclaiming his Good News ‘among the nations’ of the world, particularly in countries that need assistance in the development of theological education and the training of Christian leaders. In preparing to walk that path, we set up a new organisation that will help us to fulfil the mission we've been given. We are now International Teaching Partners. We are blessed with a small number of representatives of four local churches in the Kingston-Hobart area who provide on-going support for us as we minister in teaching.

For this new phase it seemed appropriate to discontinue this blog and begin a new one. So I'm inviting you to click over to and continue reading about where we are what we're doing. There you'll also find information about how to support us.

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